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Preschool is a very important stepping stone to your child's future. It is one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be. Our preschool staff members teach students how to think, make good choices and learn to act with purpose through play, lessons and activities that will prepare them for kindergarten.


We get our future leaders off to a strong start by offering preschool at Chase Elementary. Our preschool is open to children aged 3-5 years.

At Chase Elementary, our preschool students gain a positive first school experience by:

  • Working with a diverse age group providing age-appropriate experiences that foster social and academic growth
  • Preparing them for kindergarten by teaching them to play and interact well with others through hands-on experiences

For more information, call our Early Childhood Department at (513) 363-0240 or fill out the preschool interest form and you will be contacted about a high-quality preschool for your child.