As a reminder, our hours are:
School Hours: 7:40 a.m. - 2:10 p.m.
Office Hours: 7:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Tardy Procedures
Students arriving after 8 a.m. are tardy and must sign in before being admitted to class. Disciplinary action will be issued to those students who are chronically late to school.
Absence Procedures
To report an absent child, call the school office at (513) 363-1300 or email us using this Absence Reporting Form.
Attendance of students in school is of paramount importance if the teaching-learning process is to be successfully conducted. Students are expected to be at school every day except in cases of illness, emergency, or school-approved absences. Parents should call and notify the school when a child is absent.
All students are required to bring a written note stating the reason for their absence upon their return.
As a student's absence approaches the excessive level, or when significant unexcused absences occur, a referral will be made to the school's support personnel (social worker) or to the Pupil Services Department (Home Counselor, Nurse, or Psychologist) for appropriate action.